• 1987
  • Paper
  • Collage and Acrylic paint
  • Inv. 96DP1638

Julião Sarmento

Tales on Dirty Realism (Careful)

With its white light on a dark background, Tales on Dirty Realism evokes, through the inscriptions as well as the collages with feminine figures – dissonant as far as the viewpoints are concerned –, the universe of the moving image that has always held Julião Sarmento’s attention: the possibility of evoking the moment, movement and suspension, is therefore revisited through the collage of black and white images arranged in a non-sequential asymmetry. The juxtaposition of the drawing of a peacock in profile, of a part of red rope and of the large, central white-stenciled text results in a competition to concentrate a multitude of meanings, not all of them harmonious, within the visual space.


Some fragmented literary references can be recognized in this artwork, namely the universe of Raymond Carver (1938-1988) or Charles Bukowski (1920-1994), both North American writers associated with “dirty realism”, a popular literary movement in vogue in the United States during the 1980’s, featuring stories of glamourless, delinquent or vagrant lives – often in conflict – spent in poor or marginalized suburbs. The collage of printed images and the superposition of painting and writing on a black background compete to enhance an effect of narrative incongruence based on the approximation to iconographic references and dispersed mnemonics. Tales on Dirty Realism thus pursues an idea of fictionalized narrativity, whether transfigured and/or mutilated, extensively developed by Julião Sarmento from the 1970’s onwards, in painting, drawing, photography or video.



November 2011



Desenhos do corpo
Lisboa, CAMJAP/FCG, 1995
Catálogo de exposição
Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão: Roteiro da colecção
Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2004
Ver, Desenhar e Criar. Educação Visual
Lisboa, Lisboa Editora, 2006
Julião Sarmento Literal
Granada, Centro José Guerrero, 2008
Desenhos do Corpo
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
10 de Outubro de 1995 a 28 de Janeiro de 1996
Galeria do Piso 1 do Museu do CAMJAP
22 de Julho de 1995 a 24 de Setembro de 1995
Caldas da Rainha, Museu de José Malhoa
Colectiva, obras de Amadeo, Bernardo Marques, Mário Eloy, Gaëtan, Julião Sarmento, Pedro Sousa Vieira e Rui Chafes.Organização e selecção das obras: Alice Costa Guerra, Paulo Henriques e Rui Sanches.
Arte Portugués desde 1960 en la Colección del Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão
Jorge Molder
Curator: Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza
1998-06-04 a 1998-09-15
Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, Corunha
Julião Sarmento
Galerie Erika + Otto Friedrich
Curator: Galerie Erika + Otto Friedrich
1988-01-21 a 1988-02-26
Galerie Erika + Otto Friedrich, Berna
Julião Sarmento - Pintura e Desenho
Galeria J. M. Gomes Alves
Curator: Galeria J. M. Gomes Alves
1994-10-14 a 1994-11-14
Galeria J. M. Gomes Alves, Guimarães
Updated on 23 january 2015

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