• 1948
  • Paper
  • Watercolour and Indian ink
  • Inv. DP967

Querubim Lapa


In 1948, Querubim Lapa was attending the sculpture course at the Lisbon School of Fine Arts. The teachings he received can be clearly seen in the modelling of the bodies here, especially in those on the right side of the composition, which stand out volumetrically from the background.


These figures, whose fragility is symbolised by their elongated, stylised bodies, wear simple clothes in grey tones. In their free time, at the circus, they maintain the everyday tension of struggle, fearfully watching the movements of an acrobat who – we assume from the composition – works without a net, identifying with the uncertainty of their fate.


The composition is divided into two parts, separated by the rope ladder up which the figure everyone is looking at has disappeared. A certain bonhomie is reflected on the faces of the assistant and clown, placed to the left and bathed in the intense spotlight. On the right, a group of spectators apprehensively watch as the ‘action’ unfolds.


The circus theme, which Lapa worked on in this 1948 series, formed part of the artist's concern to create art that recorded the reality of the poor, touching in its portrayal of simple figures in their everyday greys, and in the painter’s commitment to be always ‘close to the problems’ of others.



Emília Ferreira

March 2013

TypeA definir
Portugal de Relance - A Viagem - Encontro de Dois Povos
Árvore - Cooperativa de Actividades Artísticas
Curator: Árvore - Cooperativa de Actividades Artísticas
11 de Novembro de 2003 a 30 de Novembro de 2003
Museu Brasileiro de Escultura - MuBe
Acção cultural com suporte de um livro com cerca de 300 páginas que reproduz em quadricomia parte significativa das obras e peças expostas (cerca de 400).
Querubim Lapa
Escola Secundária António Arroio
Curator: Escola Secundária António Arroio
18 de Janeiro de 2001 a 13 de Fevereiro de 2001
Galeria Lino António, Escola Secundária António Arroio
A Escola Secundária António Arroio tem promovido, nas suas instalações, uma série de exposições temporárias de artes plásticas.
Updated on 23 january 2015

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