Ana Torrie in the Art Library collection
Ana Torrie (1982) is the founder of Atelier Guilhotina. Born in Porto, she did most of her academic training in that city, at the Faculdade de Belas Artes. She graduated in sculpture, took a master’s degree in drawing and printmaking and a post-graduate course in printmaking studies.
Between 2007-2008 she participated in the Erasmus programme and studied at Akademia Sztuk Pieknych im. Jana Matejki (Academy of Fine Arts Jan Matejko), Krakow (Poland).
During her master’s course, she was connected to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro where she studied printmaking between 2012-2013.
Since 2010 she has participated in group exhibitions in Portugal.
A maldição do Monte da Mina / Ana Torrie. [S.l.] : Senhorio, 2007. Art Library. LA 1424

“Silvestre is the fourth artist book resulting from the character Ed Gar and presents his first encounter with his alter-ego – Silvestre (the cat). It is part of a set of 7 books that will fictionalise the unfolding of a story around the exemplary upbringing of a child called Ed Gar in a universe suspended in time. Silvestre is part of the EdGarpa project, which involves composer João Guimarães, harpist Angelica V Salvi, stage director Ricardo Alves, sculptor Carlos Pinheiro, costume designer Irene Loureiro and two puppeteers.”
— Ana Torrie