Exhibition “The power with which we leap together”

The exhibition The power with which we leap together: women artists in Spain and Portugal, between dictatorship and democracy, which is on until 29 September at the Valencian Institute of Modern Art (IVAM-Valencia) and will be at Centro de Arte Moderna between 11 April and 15 September 2025, includes some works from the Art Library’s collection.
The works on loan are six catalogues from exhibitions held in the 1970s, an issue of the magazine Colóquio. Artes (1972), which contains an article about the art gallery that Juana Mordó (1899-1984) founded in Madrid in 1964, and an artist’s book by Irene Buarque : “Pari Passu: Estudos de Par e Passo”, which is part of a series developed by the artist at the end of the 1970s entitled “Pari Passu: Estudos de Par e Passo” (Par and Step Studies) and consists of the titles Pedra a Pedra; Passo a Passo; Piso-livro II, all unique copies, signed and dated by the artist.
Apart from the exhibition catalogue of the Spanish artist Teresa Gancedo (1937), held at the Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes (Lisbon), the others relate to exhibitions that were sponsored by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Curated by researchers Giulia Lamoni and Patrícia Mayayo, this exhibition is the first to jointly investigate the work of women artists in Portugal and Spain between the end of the dictatorships (early 1960s) and the first years of democracy (early 1980s).
IVAM, Valencia: 30 May to 29 September 2024
Works on display
8ª Bienal Internacional da Tapeçaria de Lausana, 1977

Colóquio. Artes. Number 10 (1972)

Cultura portuguesa en Madrid […], 1977

Pintura portuguesa de hoy, 1973
Pisolivro / Irene Buarque, 1983
Teresa Gancedo, 1978

XIII prémio internacional de desenho Joan Miró, 1974