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Memories album of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian

The Memories album of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian, which belongs to the Gulbenkian Archives, was one of the works submitted to these actions.


This album comprises 116 photographs that are an evidence of the places and landscapes that shaped Calouste Gulbenkian life, in Europe and in the Middle East. 

Album before treatment
Examination with ultraviolet light
Dry cleaning with eraser scraps and cotton to remove severe dirtiness
Pages flattening on weights

The album presented signs of use and time, with a worn binding, pages with severe dirtiness, mold, small tears and gaps, torn and creased interleaving pages, yellowed photographs and physical deformations.

Chromatic reintegration of specific areas with image gaps
Chromatic reintegration of specific areas with image gaps
Mechanical removal of severe dirt from the binding
Album after treatment

A treatment plan was developed with the purpose of restoring the album integrity, ensuring its long-term preservation and allowing a safe handling.

Special collections conservation

The preservation of the Art Library and Gulbenkian Archives collection presents a daily challenge that results into the development of several conservation and restoration actions.

Find out more
Updated on 19 august 2020

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