Margarida Kendall
A Alma e os Ratos de Stª Gestrudes, Inv. 85P1438
A Alma e os Ratos de Stª Gestrudes, Inv. 85P1438
The City: On sixth day the mad woman ascended to heaven, (1982?) / Inv. DP1848
The City: On the eight day the general tended the windless orchard, (1982?) / Inv. DP1855
The City: On the eleventh day the king played their deadly game, (1982?) / Inv. DP1856
The City: On the First Day the Creator fled, (1982?) / Inv. DP1853
The City: On the fitth day the jailer looked over absences in an empty cage, (1982?) / Inv. DP1852
The City: On the fourth day it rained flowers on the whore, (1982?) / Inv. DP1854
The City: On the ninth day the faceless dancer was struck, (1982?) / Inv. DP1847
The City: On the second day they came in bottles, (1982?) / Inv. DP1857
The City: On the seventh day the Adversary opened the door that none can shut, (1982?) / Inv. DP1846
The City: On the tenth day the Magician lost his power, (1982?) / Inv. DP1850
The City: On the third day the cat watched the train go by..., (1982?) / Inv. DP1849
The City: On the twelfth day the streetsweeper lost his job, (1982?) / Inv. DP1851
3 jan 1983
1 set 1984
Lisboa, jun 1984
Lisboa, set 1984
Lisboa, 8 mai 1984
Porto, 22 mar 1984
Lisboa, 24 mai 1984
Washington, 30 set 1979
Washington, 3 mai 1974
1985 / Centro de Arte Moderna, Lisboa
1983 / Sede Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa
1989 / Sede Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa