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  • 1949
  • Agfa paper
  • Photography
  • Inv. FP286

Fernando Lemos

Roupa Lisboeta [Lisbon Clothes]

It is not unusual for the same images by Fernando Lemos to have different titles. Some acquired a second title when they were shown as part of his retrospective À Sombra da Luz, À Luz da Sombra: Fotografias 1949-1952 [In the Shadow of Light, In the Light of Shadow: Photographs 1949-1952], held in the Pinacoteca in São Paulo in 2004, later joining the Berardo collection.

It is the case with this image, which also has the name Palavras Leva-as o Vento – Roupas Leva-as o Tempo [Words are taken by the Wind – Clothes are taken by Time], a poetic extension of Lisbon Clothes which, with its vertical arrangement, recalls banners unfurling in the wind.

In this image, once again, we see the photographer’s unexpected point of view, associated with the modelling of the light and his gaze as a graphic artist, which allows him to inscribe everyday subjects into other imageries and narratives.


José Oliveira

TypeA definir
A l´Ombre de la Lumière - Photobienalle 2008
Casa da Fotografia de Moscovo do Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Moscovo
Curator: Casa da Fotografia de Moscovo do Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Moscovo
27 de Março de 2008 a 27 de Abril de 2008
Galeria Zurab do Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Moscovo
A Casa de Fotografia de Moscovo organizou, no âmbito da Photobiennale de 2008, uma exposição de Fernando Lemos, na Galeria Zurab no Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Moscovo. entre 27 de Março e 27 de Abril do ano de 2008.
Updated on 30 august 2024

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