• 1972
  • Paper
  • Indian ink, Gouache and Collage
  • Inv. 83DP1127

João Abel Manta

Para se apresentarem fardados de conselheiros

The illustration entitled “Para se apresentarem fardados de conselheiros” (1972) forms part of the series of pieces created as the result of João Abel Manta’s collaboration with the writer José Cardoso Pires on the book Dinossauro Excelentíssimo (Most Excellent Dinosaur) (Lisbon: Arcádia, 1972), a highly ironic and critical look at the life of António de Oliveira Salazar and the history of the dictatorial regime that spanned 48 years, during which time Salazar was the leading figure, and which only ended with the revolution of 25 April 1974.


Forming part of the “epilogue” to the book, the artist’s composition makes reference to Salazar’s fall and subsequent stroke in 1968, and places particular emphasis on the moments immediately following these events, especially the secrecy maintained by the authorities about the health of the head of state, and later the farcical situation that accompanied his replacement in government.


Although Salazarwas in fact replaced by Marcelo Caetano, he was never apprised of this fact, and up until his death in 1970 he believed that he was still head of government. As Cardoso Pires writes, despite the fact that Salazar was no longer in office, “they treated the emperor as though he were still on the throne” (p. 80), and literally staged sessions of the Council of Ministers in his presence.For their part, the advisers in the novel who had been removed from office by the “new emperor” carried on as though nothing had happened, and went to the advisors’ meetings, which according to Cardoso Pires took place in front of the ”Statue”, to the soundtrack of his recorded voice (he only gave orders in writing).


In Abel Manta’s typically ironic style, the illustration depicts thisrealm of make-believe, showing the eight former ministers arranged against a backdrop of monumental columns, ready and willing to keep up the charade, feigning a meeting with the dying dictator and pretending to rule a fictitious realm. In actual fact, these were only shadow dignitaries, playing at having power; they were no longer in office but kept the secret even from the real ministers in charge of the real realm.




Sandra Vieira Jürgens

May 2015

Updated on 23 january 2015

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