Bauhaus of the Seas Sails

CAM is the cultural partner for the implementation of three ‘Bauhaus of the Seas Sails’ innovative projects in Portugal. The application period for the three artistic residencies to be developed in 2024 is now closed. The selected projects will be announced shortly.

The Bauhaus of the Seas was first presented in 2020 as a manifesto that answered to the challenge of the New European Bauhaus, a creative initiative that connects the European Green Deal to people’s living spaces and experiences, guided by the values of sustainability, inclusion and creativity.

This manifesto encouraged a European mobilization around the most decisive global natural spaces: the seas. Through a collective understanding of the climate crisis as a situation that emerges from a culture centred on the dichotomy between humans and nature, a process of reimagining the relationship of coastal and riverside communities with the oceans, seas and other bodies of water has begun, in order to make them healthier.

In 2021, this European mobilization began gathering researchers, entrepreneurs, designers, architects, artists, and thinkers to share ideas and discuss possibilities towards more sustainable design solutions for coastal regions. As a result, the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails was created and in 2022 was granted funding by the European Union Horizon Europe programme, under the call for the development of the first New European Bauhaus ‘lighthouse demonstrators’ toward solutions for climate neutrality in coastal cities.

The Bauhaus of the Seas Sails project (2023-2025) was officially launched in Lisbon in 2023 under the coordination of the Interactive Technologies Institute of the University of Lisbon’s Instituto Superior Técnico. It’s formed by a consortium encompassing eighteen academic, cultural and territorial partners located in seven European cities (Malmö, Venice, Genova, Lisbon, Oeiras, Hamburg, Rotterdam). Its scope is interdisciplinary, intergenerational and interspecies and it aims to respond to social and environmental challenges, through a process of co-design.

With this goal in mind, there were proposals created for the implementation  of demonstrator pilot projects in each region of this consortium. It’s intended that, in the future, these can be applied to other cities, countries and continents, adapting them to the scale of each territory. In Portugal, in a  partnership between CAM – Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian, Instituto Superior Técnico and the municipalities of Oeiras and Lisbon, the projects Ocean Literacy, Blue Makerspace, and Regenerative Menu are being developed with the aim of bringing a cross disciplinary understanding on how we can contribute to a more conscientious sustainable future. These will result in a public programme of activities, multidisciplinary residencies, and exhibitions across cultural spaces. 


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