Launch of the «Bauhaus of the Seas Sails» pilot projects in Lisbon and Oeiras

On 8 June, we are celebrating World Ocean Day with the presentation of three pilot projects in the Tagus estuary in Lisbon and Oeiras.
04 jun 2024

CAM is the cultural partner for the implementation of three ‘Bauhaus of the Seas Sails’ innovative proposals in Portugal, which will result in a public programme of activities, residencies and exhibitions across cultural spaces. 

The projects ‘Ocean Literacy’, in Oeiras, and ‘Blue Makerspace’ and ‘Regenerative Menu’, in Lisbon, are being developed with the aim of bringing a cross disciplinary understanding on how we can contribute to a more conscientious sustainable future.

These projects will be launched in the two partner municipalities, with a programme with free admission upon registration, that combines knowledge, debate and experimentation, and which seeks to promote encounters between communities.

For Lisbon, at the Parque Ribeirinho Oriente, in Marvila, a series of activities are planned to run from 9:30 to 13:00, and from 18:00 to 22:00, including the preparation and sharing of one of the most emblematic dishes of Portugal’s food heritage: ‘caldeirada’ or fish stew. The programme encourages reflection and the construction of collective intelligences on the shared history of the Tagus and the city, a history made up of their intersections with the lives of communities.

In Oeiras, the programme, scheduled to run from 14:30 to 19:00, revolves around the conservation of marine landscapes and ecosystems in coastal communities. It includes a guided tour of the Fort of São Bruno, talks, exhibitions, experimental cyanotype, photography and painting workshops, and other curiosities about the species that inhabit the Tagus river.  

Check the full programme.

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