Acquisitions in 2021

In 2021, the CAM Collection was enhanced with the inclusion of various contemporary artworks, continuing the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s acquisition strategy.
03 jan 2022

Bringing together almost 12,000 works of modern and contemporary art, the CAM continues to enrich its collection with annual additions, either acquisitions or donations, continuing with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s strategy. In 2021, various new works were incorporated, strengthening the presence of some already well-known names and marking the inclusion of new artists.


Inês Botelho, «Rotação a 19 graus, translação e prumo», 2013. Inv. 21E1954


Several of these new acquisitions were made following exhibitions, as was the case with the works by Grada Kilomba (two films), Patrícia Garrido (one scultpure), Inês Botelho (one sculpture) and Maria Capelo (two paintings), whose works were presented in the exhibition All I Want. Similarly, following the exhibitions Fernão Cruz. Biting Dust (currently underway) and Manon de Boer. Downtime/Tempo de Respiração (31 January to 13 April 2020), the CAM purchased three paintings and three sculptures by Fernão Cruz and two films by Manon de Boer.


Manon de Boer, Still from the film 'Caco, João, Mava, Rebecca', 2019. Courtesy Jan Mot, Brussels


In 2021, works of various typologies were acquired, including paintings, drawings, screen prints, photographs, sculptures and videos. These additions included some historical pieces, such as those by António Costa Pinheiro (one installation) and Jorge Pinheiro (one painting); artists already represented in the collection whose groups of works are now strengthened, as is the case with Augusto Alves da Silva (one photograph), Fernanda Fragateiro (one sculpture), Jorge Queiroz (one drawing and three paintings), Victor Pires Vieira (eight drawings), Gabriel Abrantes (one film) and Renée Gagnon (ten prints); the young artist Jaime Welsh, a recent recipient of an FCG grant, joined the Collection for the first time with two photographs dated 2021


Augusto Alves da Silva, 'Raibow' (detail), 2001. Courtesy of the artist


Donated works included sculptures by Georg Scheele, Joana Vasconcelos, João Charters de Almeida, João Cutileiro and Pedro Valdez Cardoso. These annual acquisitions are made in order to enrich the Collection, to strengthen its significance and relevance and to promote new readings and perspectives on this valuable collection.

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