Open Storage
Event Slider
- Mon,
Open Storage Centro de Arte Moderna GulbenkianLast entry at 17:30.
- 12,00 € – 16,00 €
25% – Under 30
10% – Over 65
Cartão Gulbenkian:
50% – Under 30
15% – Over 65
The CAM Collection is constantly growing and currently consists of around 12,000 artworks. Despite the many national and international loans granted by CAM, a significant part of the collection is more often in storage that on view. While in storage, works of art are kept in the best environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity, and light); two-dimensional ones hang on fixed and mobile iron railings, so as to optimize the use of space.
The Open Storage provides visitors with the opportunity to see more of the Collection, while also accessing an area that is shared by them with museum professionals who can use it as a workspace, to inspect or research specific works. Museum goers may therefore acquaint themselves with the way a collecting institution functions.
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation reserves the right to collect and keep records of images, sounds and voice for the diffusion and preservation of the memory of its cultural and artistic activity. For further information, please contact us through the Information Request form.