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Film 'Side Trip', by Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group

Event Slider


  • Wednesday, 19:00


Studio Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian
A year after their unforgettable intervention in Lisbon's Marvila, the Japanese collective Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group returns to share, on screen, the memories and emotions felt during several days of communion with the communities of this neighbourhood.

Side Trip’ was presented in partnership with Alkantara Festival 2023 and included a programme of parties, performances and workshops that reclaimed the street as a space for socialising. In addition to this screening at CAM, which we are presenting in partnership with the Alkantara Festival 2024, the film will also be shown at the Marvila Library on 30 November at 15:00, in a moment of reunion with the people who participated in the making of the project.



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