• 1948
  • Paper
  • Indian ink and Watercolour
  • Inv. DP961

Querubim Lapa


Presenting different perspectives of a circus show, with a focus on risky acrobatic acts, this drawing from the circus series broadens the cycle, placing the viewer once again before a moment of action.


With a less sculptural treatment than the other drawings in the series, and more insistent line and modelling of the bodies, here there is a closer encounter with the figures. Conic, volumetric faces and expectant expressions are a recurring theme that unifies them.


The dancer, under direct lights and seen from a high angle which creates a small, concentrated shadow beneath her, becomes part of the audience due to the position of her head and direction of her gaze: she is both suspended by gazes as well as watching what is happening above.


Something particularly challenging is happening, given the apprehensive expression of the figures, especially the man who seems to stifle a cry, turning his face towards us and lifting his hand towards his mouth. The same human and social condition unites all those present.


The curved bodies, the quick lines that define faces, hair, gestures and clothes with great simplicity, the dull colours of the washes, all stress the poverty of the scene and of the characters’ lives.


Emília Ferreira

March 2013

Typesignature and date
Typesignature and date
Um tempo um Lugar
Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira
Curator: Rogério Ribeiro
23 de Setembro de 2005 a 16 de Dezembro de 2005
Celeiro da Patriarcal
Selecção de obras de vários artistas ligados ao movimento Neo-realista português, dos anos 40 aos anos 60.
Inauguração do CAM
Curator: A definir
20 de Julho de 1983
Lisboa, Centro de Arte Moderna/ FCG
20 de Julho 1983.
Querubim Lapa
Escola Secundária António Arroio
Curator: Escola Secundária António Arroio
18 de Janeiro de 2001 a 13 de Fevereiro de 2001
Galeria Lino António, Escola Secundária António Arroio
A Escola Secundária António Arroio tem promovido, nas suas instalações, uma série de exposições temporárias de artes plásticas.
Updated on 23 january 2015

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