Ciguatera – Toxic Blooms

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For the opening of Diana Policarpo’s exhibitíon ‘Ciguatera’, we present a conversation between the exhibition curator Chus Martínez and the artist, focused on her practice and research.

Is science part of the same world as art is? Often we act as if science is out of our reality and in another dimension. However, if science is made by us, the same humans that are actors and makers of any historical process then science would be also part of the colonial world.

How then can we understand the role of science in colonial processes and how is science entangled in power relations? Questions like these have driven the artistic practice of Diana Policarpo.

Chus Martínez joins the artist for a talk on her installation ‘Ciguatera’, a work based on a trip that Diana Policarpo took to the Selvagens Islands, in the northern Atlantic Ocean. Presented in the Project Space, the installation reflects on natural biodiversity while mapping colonial histories and inventing new myths and new forms of letting nature tell its own story. 

Duration: 90 min.



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Exhibition view 'The Soul Expanding Ocean #4: Diana Policarpo. Ciguatera'. Photo: Matteo De Fina

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