EMERALD Annual Meeting & Summer School 2023
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Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência Rua da Quinta Grande, 6 2780-156 Oeiras ScienceEMERALD is an International PhD Programme for Medical Doctors that trains and nurtures physician-scientists. We recruited through open, competitive calls, 24 medical doctors to carry out a PhD in cutting-edge research in European centres of excellence in life sciences and biomedicine. Our project is coordinated by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona and brings together 8 hiring research centres (HRCs) from 7 EU member states, and 37 partner organizations across 10 European countries.
The EMERALD Programme is composed of medical doctors that join different research groups with a diversity of topics, and we want to take advantage of this diversity to encourage collaborations between the groups, as well as to facilitate opportunities of secondments and additional training for the benefit of the fellows, and all the members of the EMERALD network.
Open from 13/03/2023 – 23/03/2023 (23:59)
Events Coordinator
Luís Moita (IGC, EMERALD Coordination Committee)
EMERALD Project Manager
David Brena (CRG)
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