Archive from the Gallery “Loja de Desenho” in the Art Library

The archive resulting from the years of activity of the gallery “Loja de Desenho” gallery is now part of the Art Library’s collection.
Founded in 1987 with the aim of promoting and selling works on paper, focusing on drawing (understood as the exploration of the graphic record of images and concepts, by modern and contemporary Portuguese authors), the activity of the “Loja de Desenho” reflects in a very expressive way the emergence of a new generation of artists in the 1980s, as well as the emergence of new critics and art historians.
Among the artists the gallery has exhibited are António Sena, Patrícia Garrido, Pedro Chorão, Sérgio Pombo, Rui Sanches, Gaëtan, all major names on the Portuguese contemporary art scene and practically all represented in the Centro de Arte Moderna’s collection.

The set of documents produced during the period of exhibition activity of the “Loja de Desenho” (October 1987–June 1990) consists of press cuttings, leaflets, catalogues, photographs, slides, and press notes relating to the 21 individual exhibitions and the two collective exhibitions held in that gallery.

As it is being inventoried, the “Loja de Desenho” Archive will gradually be made available to the public in the Art Library, serving as a support for research and study by researchers, curators, critics, both Portuguese and foreign.